31 July 2013

A Mom's Life: 27/48

Before I formally introduce who my 27th AML mom is, please watch this 41-seconder video first ---

Remember this TVC two years ago? OK, I'll make kwento. Last May, I was invited to attend Cif Philippines' pre-Mother's Day event at Abe Restaurant in Serendra. That's where I met the beautiful woman in the video. I was sure she's a blogger as she introduced herself. I was kinda kilig and OA pa nga (all the time OA naman lol) when she said she's Thammie Sy. I read her blog and meeting someone you read is really exciting. We had some chika in between our 'foodie moment' but she never mentioned a thing about this TVC. Until she introduced her husband, Dennis, to me. You know that feeling that you know you've met a person na before? I just said "you really look familiar". Later that day, I went to Thammie's blog and look for "signs" as to where I first saw her husband. It led me to her media page. This Coffee-mate commercial answered my question. Fast forward to Richard Poon and Maricar Reyes wedding --- I was surprised to see Dennis officiating the ceremony. Yes, Mr. Thammie Sy is a pastor. No wonder they are ever so humble. Really, kasi if I was the one who had a commercial and was in a celebrity wedding, I shall make kwento about it ng bongga. Hehe, no wonder I don't have and was not. So aside from what you can read in Thammie's blog, here are her answers to my AML slumbook.

NAME: Thammie Sy

AGE: 30 

CHILDREN, AGE: Alyanna, 7 ; Mikaela, 5; Isaiah 7 mos. 

OCCUPATION: Homemaker, stay-at-home mom, homeschool teacher, and blogger 

FAVORITE OUTFIT: Jeans and a nice comfortable top (anything flattering and functional, basically!)


HOBBIES: Going on dates with my husband or my family, Enjoying good food with family and friends, helping out at our church, decluttering and organizing (heehee), reading 

CURRENT READ/WATCH: Competent to Counsel by Jay Adams 

FAVORITE DOMESTIC DUTY: Organizing, cooking 

GUILTY PLEASURE: Eating good quality pastries, and sweets 

PET PEEVE: Gossip and using social media to bash or "hate".

Queen B says: This is something that I should 'unlearn'. Thank you for pointing this out. I'm guilty! Hehe.

2013 GOAL: Play more with my kids (really play, as a child would with another!), Be able to start at least some form of exercise (God, please help me!) 

Queen B says: Thank you dear Thammie for this opportunity to showcase another beautiful creation of God that is you and your family. Your life is something good to be inggit with. If I had to be envious with anybody, it has to be someone like you --- beautiful, with three children and married to a man of God. Most of all, you truly are a Proverbs 31 woman. 


Thammie Sy

Act Like a Man


  1. Thank you for this, Denise! :) I hope to see you again sooooon! :)

    1. Yay, Thammie! Yes, hope to see you soon, too. :)
