18 July 2013

A Mom's Life: 25/48

There's more to her than being The Pickiest Eater's wife. Read her blog and you'll find out why. She writes no-nonsense posts that most newbie bloggers do. Well, when I was a newbie blogger (newer for that matter, 'cause I feel I'm still new on this), I write too personal things that I'm sure some people won't care about (not that I care about what they will say hehe). But this mom knows what a blogger should do:  inform, inspire and entertain. Perhaps, the husband trained her well. A plus point for her, as a blogger, is that she takes good pictures. And her subjects are always pleasant. One of those is her cutiepie Elmo-lover Rain, her curious toddler who had an accident by the time of this interview. I will leave the story-telling to the mom. Let me just lead you to my 25th mom's answers to my AML "slumbook". Royalties, meet this sweet and sassy mom blogger behind Rina's Rainbow.

NAME: Rina Barbero Zamora

AGE: 31

CHILD, AGE: Rain, 21 months. Turning 2 years old in October! Yikes!

OCCUPATION: WAHM (Part-time content writer for an online company)

FAVORITE OUTFIT: Nowadays, I like wearing oversized shirts. Something that doesn't hug my body to show my built-in lifesavers (salbabida) but at the same time is flattering.

MUST-HAVE BEAUTY COSMETIC: My Maybelline New York Clear Smooth Aqua Gel Foundation (phew! That's a mouthful!)and Cherry Maybelline lip gloss. I’m not into make-ups so much simply because I don’t know how to haha! A simple foundation and lip gloss is fine with me.

HOBBIES: Hmmm... aside from playing with Rain and taking people shots, I actually like hanging out at a coffee shop to blog. Sounds mainstream, I know. But I actually quite enjoy the combination of a yummy cold frap and writing.

CURRENT READ/WATCH: SuperBaby by Jenn Berman. It’s a really good book for moms especially for first-timers like me. It helped me understand my baby and gave me a different perspective on teaching my toddler. Though honestly I haven’t had the time to finish it yet. Yes I’m a slow reader haha.

Shows: Grey’s Anatomy. I love the balance of drama and comedy and thrill. One second I’m crying, the next I’m laughing. Before I know it I’m on the edge of my seat on what’s about to happen next. But my super all time favorite sitcom is FRIENDS. Nothing ever comes close! Even though the show ended years ago I still watch it over and over and over and over...

FAVORITE DOMESTIC DUTY: Nothing, really. But if I were to choose one I guess I would have to say doing the laundry. There’s something therapeutic about hanging clothes to dry and watching them dry under the sun. I’m weird.

Bebeng says: Oh yes, yes. It's somehow orgasmic noh? Oops. ;)

GUILTY PLEASURE: Magnum Chocolate Truffle. I always fight the urge to buy one whenever I’m doing my grocery.

PET PEEVE: Off the top of my head, people in line with no sense of personal space. There was one time I was lined up at the counter of a grocery store and this lady behind me was so close to me that I could literally feel her chest touching my back. What’s up with that?!? Oh, and people posting blurred photos even when there’s an auto-focus feature on their cameras hehehe.

Bebeng says: I agree with that! Do they think they will reach the end of the line faster if they would let us smell their scent?! Irritating. That's why if I can avoid riding the train, I would. I don't want being too near with people I don't know. It's just scary. But with the blurred photos, can I say sorry? I'm guilty! Hihi.

2013 GOAL: To make sure I teach Rain well with what she needs to be learning at her age. And my goal for my blog is to have at least one personal blog post make it to my top popular posts. Not an event. Not a sponsored post. Not a giveaway. Here’s hoping!

Bebeng says: I'm with you on that. Remember when I told you I have one non-giveaway post on top three? The last time I checked, it's now on 7th. And the rest was about my Willie Revillame-ish posts. Hehe.
DREAM FOR RAIN: For Rain to grow up to have a positive outlook in life. I want her to have good self-confidence. I want her to do a job that she loves so that she won't ever feel like she's working. And most of all I want her to be God-fearing and help others in any way she can, even in just a small way.

Rina says: I'm a firm believer of the Law of Attraction. (The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. You have to read it! It makes sooo much sense you'll get goosebumps!). I like to believe that if you think of positive things, that's what you'll attract. If you always think of the negative things, that's what you'll attract. So it's all up to you:

And this other quote below, when I'm feeling down, it helps me remember that these negative things I might be encountering now are actually happening for a reason. They could be broken roads that will lead to a happy ending.

"Everything will fall right into place."

Other hair-raising quotes from The Secret. You'll be surprised to learn that a lot of these quotes came from famous and successful people! http://thesecretquote.com/quotes/quotes.html

~ ♔ ~

Bebeng says: Rina, thanks for making my blogger's life easier by answering my "slum book" in an already blog-worthy way. Hehe. I'm glad I saw your link through your BIL Bug's FB account and felt grateful when you mentioned me in one of your oldest posts. I hope that our meeting in BlueWater Day Spa's event won't be the last. Cheers to the toughest, coolest and most noble job that is called motherhood! You may be a rookie mom, but you're doing great. I hope Rain's all well. Virtual hugs and beso-beso! 

Rina's Rainbow


  1. this is so bongga! finally Mommy Rina on Mommy Denise's AML! i hope to see you both soon ulet for chikas and a picture. (parehong wala ako nakuhang pic nung mameet ko kayo pareho. sobrang hiya. huhu.) :)

    1. Oo nga, wala tayong picture together! Next time. Pwede ka naman pumunta dito with Mira 'pag magaling na bulutong ni LB. You know naman our house di ba? Hehe. :)

  2. Yeeeheeeey! Ang saya pala ma-feature hahah! Especially on your lovely pink castle! Thank you so much Denise!!!! Virtual hug!!!! :-)

    Istin, same here! Hope to bump into you again soon! Perhaps sa Robinsons supermarket sa Mercedes Ave? :-) Ahihihihihi! :-)

  3. I love the positiveness. if only we have more mommies like Rina, the world would be so much better :)

    1. Thank you Vixen! Amidst all the challenges we face in life, sometimes it's honestly hard to stay positive. Of course we're only human di ba? I have my moments too! But like a little fish once said "Just keep swimming... just keep swimming..." :-)
