29 August 2014

Writing is My Bliss

So my dream to own and manage a food business is slowly coming true. When I made Bebeng's Kitchen happen, leaving my life as a "storyteller" has never occurred to me. I just took some rest to give way for my other passion that is food, that is cooking, that is fulfilling a basic need. Writing may now come second after my love for the kitchen but I think, I am still a writer.

Thanks to Martine for inviting me to write for Make it Blissful. Whenever I get to see my article published on her beautiful e-zine, it thrills me to bits. As of this post, I already have three blissful write-ups about food and relationships (See how they can be connected? Amazing!).

My first article outside this blog! Ahhh, it's like giving birth, you know; only this one's 200% painless. LOL. Martine assigned each bliss-maker a topic that she thinks we'll be comfortable to write about. I'm so glad that she knows my branding well. ♥ Others claim that they're undomesticated; that they'd rather work their assess off on their chosen careers than get their hands busy in the kitchen. Do I smell negativity in that statement or they are just being lazy? Whatever reason they have, that I believe is just an excuse. It is possible to be a domestic goddess. How? Read my article here: CAN ONE REALLY BE A DOMESTIC GODDESS?

This is a big much talked-about topic within my cyberlandia. Some women say that the husband must not eat if he can't cook for himself. Those women cannot cook, I assume. Or they can but they don't love their husbands that much. Hahaha! Food is a basic need. Cooking for our loved ones is one of the first and easy ways to show how much we love them. So why deprive our men to feel that love? Read my romantic-comedy article about why and how to feed the hungry men of our lives here: HAPPY TUMMY, HAPPY HUBBY? 

This is my latest article and I'm so proud of this. I am, too for the two previous ones but this topic's a bit tricky. I might sound like I'm bragging if I won't be careful with my words. I could also give the impression that we don't live a happy life if I'd put too much of the hardships of having a long distance marriage. Oh well, to know what i'm talking about and to have a glimpse on the life of a military wife, read it here: LIFE AS A MILITARY WIFE

With #bebengcooks on Instagram and the newly-opened food biz, one may say that cooking is my bliss. It is, no doubt about that. But just like cooking, I found out that I can and want to write when I was in 5th grade. So many bubbles of dreams were formed at the age of 11! And how late bloomer can I be that I'm only fulfilling those now that I'm turning 30? Oh, pish. Age is just a number for dreamers like me. With writing and cooking as my bliss, perhaps a book about my kitchen adventures will seal the deal. How exciting. 


Martine created a new Facebook page for Make it Blissful. If you want a regular dose of beautiful and inspiring linkies, photos and what-nots, like it here: https://www.facebook.com/Makeitblissfulblog

What else would you like me to write about here on Bebengisms? Comment, email or tweet me. I'd love to know your thoughts.

*first photo source: Writers' Tips


  1. 30 is so young! The world is still your oyster! 😊

    1. Haha! I know. But when I was 22, I felt 30 is so old and that 30 means you have to be successful in every facet of your life. Oh well. At least now, just before I turn 30, I started BK (the food biz). ♥

  2. Congrats on your new endeavor. Hopefully one day I will bake and buy myself an oven...

    1. Thanks! You know what, you CAN bake in a really small oven... the one that costs around Php2,000+. That's what I use! My dream now is to own a La Germania or a badass Elba for my royal homemade goodies. ♥

  3. I like your choice of photos. I am a visual reader. Nice to discover you! Write about your in-between-moments while simmering your dish. Do you get to do other things? Cooking for me is an effort so please share how you make it sound so fulfilling and easy. Thanks!

    1. Hello, Ana! Glad to have you here!!! ♥

      Actually, Martine's the one who chose all the photos for all my MiB articles. I love it, too! It super matches the article. Well, she won't be the most sought-after blog coach for nothing. Saying that she's good is an understatement. I'm a proud bliss-maker. ♥

      I get that all the time -- that I make cooking sound so easy. Hmmm... I guess it's because it's a passion, not just a chore. Yes, I get to do other things. I mother while I cook. I stalk my favorite IGers' photos while I cook. I watch TV while I cook. I do the laundry while I cook. I do a lot of mental planning while I cook. Cooking, for me, is like breathing. Naks! Not all the time, though but most of the time. :)

  4. Hi Denise! Congrats on Bebeng's Kitchen. I've been seeing good feedback from fellow bloggers! 30's not old! Bata pa tayo! :)
