05 June 2014

#ThankYouBaby, really.

Whenever my little punk princess watches Sofia the First on Disney Junior and Sofia's mom, Queen Miranda's on a scene, she has this amusing habit of comparing me to her. She'd always say, "Nanay, look at Queen Miranda, she's so beautiful... like you!" or "Awww, Queen Miranda is so nice. Can you be nice like her?" Oops. I guess she thinks I'm like Rapunzel's evil pseudo mom in Tangled. Don't you think? That happens only whenever she forgets she's five and will act as if she's a rebellious teenager. So the inevitable tragedy will also happen, the other side of me, a green smashing Avenger will eventually come out. Before you think I haze my child like a sorority neophyte, let me tell you that I love using flowery words when I write. Keep calm and read on.

I look back at her baby photos everytime I think motherhood is eating up my whole being, everytime I feel that I did not do anything right in this crazy fun thing called parenting.

Looking at her throwback photos makes me go back to what I felt when I first saw her. Those tiny fragile fingers, her cute toothless gum and that bald head. Oh, that bald head. Hahaha! Now, her hair irritates my husband's nose and me, too as it's all over her face! Her once tiny fragile fingers can do a lot of things already. She can paint, draw, write her name, wash dishes and ultimately, break my blender. Huhuhu. But still, #thankyoubaby for these rollercoaster of emotions that you're making Nanay feel. It made me feel so alive.

You the babe. 

How does your baby make you feel? Does she make you crazy when she throws tantrums? Does she irritate you with endless demands when you're busy? You might want to look back at her photos, too to relinquish that feeling when you first saw her. Or watch this touching #thankyoubaby video by Pampers.

Let's thank our babies with hugs and kisses after this post. Cheers to us, mommies. ♥


  1. Aww! I am like that with my daughter too! Most of the time, her old photos bring tears to my eyes. The idea that she's growing everyday is bittersweet. I sometimes miss her baby scent too and her toothless grins every time she's making a scene in the house. It's a roller coaster of emotion, but totally fun and amazing feeling :-)

    1. That's the only thing talaga that'll put me back to my mommy senses when I'm so, so mad na kasi eh. I'm glad it never failed me. Kaso grabe yung guilt feeling after. Lalo 'pag napagalitan ko ng sobra. Oh, motherhood!
