If you're a male homo sapien reading this and happens to be a bit chauvinist, please do not read after the dotted line.
Pretty ladies in dresses, power outfit, heels; sipping wine (or Martini or a Long Island Iced Tea or Tanduay), laughing and chatting. After a loud, somewhat boisterous laughter over a topic only species with estrogen could understand, there was the evil drop of something unfriendly. And the whole chika-thon was ruined. Sounds familiar? Oh yeah, I know this space is too big for me to discuss about my monthly period but hey! This is something that sets us apart from the creatures who claim to be the stronger sex. Ahem, getting pregnant and giving birth is so overrated.

Being on the red spot (pun? yes.) on a monthly basis makes us women derive to a conclusion that we can handle such pain and agony 12 times a year, 3-6 days a month and the whole 24 hours of its 2nd day. The second most evil thing about being a woman is not contraction. The latter can be good at times --- it means a new life. But this, that I'm so hating right now is called CRAMPS. That excruciating, indefinable and unforgiving kick on the hip and lower tummy, especially on the first two days are just --- well, holy little lamb of Mary, PAINFUL.
I remembered my older sister NT, then a teenager, had the worst Dysmenorrhea. I thought she's going to die. She puked, was pale and had a fever. My mother got an empty jar of mayonnaise, poured in warm water and had it rolled on her lower tummy. She fell asleep and woke up being her usual self again. Now that I am a mother with a daughter, who, in 8 or 9 years from now will have her monthly visit; I can't show her my "monthly menstrual face". I'd like her to think that getting this, especially on a monthly basis, is a good sign of being healthy. I don't like her to see this as a dreadful situation.
However, in the middle of this moving out/moving in pandemonium, I can't entertain a cramp anywhere on my body, not even on my eyebrow. Well, I am still thankful about getting this early so if God will grant the desire of my heart to get pregnant on 2013, then we can get the baby factory prepared by Christmas! After going through a major medical procedure last October, an infanticipating Nanay B will be such a sight to see. Can anybody clap with me now? See, cramps but smiling. I don't think someone with a testosterone-filled body can do that. It's for you dude, if you're a man and still reading this after the dotted line. :p
On a lighter note, Rhambo (one of the lucky homo sapiens who don't get a monthly period), by LB's powerful prayer last night, finally sent me message today. Hurray! That means, lighter work load for him and more virtual time for the two of us. Woot woot! Funny how he texted me that his beard can now reach the food on his spoon just before he opens his mouth. So, it's official. It's now Christmas in the clean and humble Rayala abode. Cheers to womanhood, menstrual period, cramps (not!) and hard-working soldiers.
*All photos courtesy of Google Images
Cramps during "red days" is really painful. I experienced it, but I still consider myself lucky because it only occurred thrice and it never happen again. Thank God! But I remember a friend of mine during college - she vomits, becomes pale & dizzy whenever her Dysmenorrhea attacks! It's scary!
ReplyDeleteBtw hopefully your prayers will be answered! good bless! :)