30 September 2015

Currently | 01

If you are keen to details, you may have noticed that the blog's look and color have changed. I'm also back to Twitter. Oh, you should follow me! I'm on #AlDub high most of the time. LOL. Clearly, there is an intention to do what I used to do — mainstream blogging and all that jazz. But this time, it's gonna be simpler: I'll bleed thoughts, edit it, and when it's published, I'll share it on Facebook. I might join comment exchange occasionally but I'll make sure it's not gonna eat me and my time like it used to. Sorry if my blog isn't inspiring or helpful or informative. No more series of giveaways, too. I just really wanna keep blogging because I love it. It matters to me. 

Do I matter to you to read this nonsense? I hope. 

OK. Enough of the melodramatics. I'm 31 and I write as if my first puberty hair just popped out yesterday. *rolls eyes* Anyway, let's get down to business.


READING. Tweets of AlDub hashtags. What a loser. Uhh, I just bought a book last month and I still haven't finished started it. Let's see if I can read a page or two, at least, before I sleep. I won't promise.  
LISTENING. Daniela Andrade's covers are ahhhmazing. La Vie En Rose is my favorite. 
THINKING. Espasol. Food again, yes. Secondary would be my girl's school field trip next week. I don't want to go but she has to so I will. Wth, motherhood.  
WATCHING. I got my first pay from my Community Manager job while the husband's home this past weekend. Coincidentally, a really great Filipino movie was shown (still showing, as of this writing) in cinemas. We watched Heneral Luna. I will write my thoughts on the impact of its message to me, soon. In the meantime, you can read my three-points-to-convince-you-to-watch-if-you-havent here. Puñeta! Ang ganda, ang galing. On a daily basis, it's Kalyeserye and Clark and Leah. Yes, mababaw ako. So whut?  
EATING. Fat, I'm getting fat. As much as I hate to see people allowing themselves to be swallowed by their fatness, that's what's happening to me. I don't have enough sleep (9-hour shift at work, house chores all by myself, I'm a mom,) so I resort to eating. I know, I know. It's a lame excuse. But can you blame me? Inihaw na bangus and ginisang munggo with tinapa are to die for.  
HAPPY ABOUT. I work full-time in my ratty, comfy pambahay and I can have my coffee any time I want to. Most of all, there's no need to travel for hours just to be stuck in traffic. Hence, the hero photo from Unsplash.  
WEARING. Maxi dresses are lurve. Something that's comfy to wear at home but decent enough to be worn when running errands. There's also been a silent agreement between me and my getting-older-self to choose black or white or anything basic. Again — I.am.getting.fat.  
LEARNING. My new job as a Community Manager of a multinational food and beverage brand. It made me think of going back to school, take my Masters and eventually teach Communication Trends and Breakthroughs. I got a badass 1.0 on that subject.  
WRITING: This blog post, obviously. I'm also drafting (for the nth time) my contribution for Make it Blissful. The reason why I can't finish it is still a mystery. *crickets, crickets*  
LOVING. My girl's surprising kisses when I'm busy at work. Or my girl calling me from the gate when she arrived from school. Or my girl's cuteness when I tuck her into bed. I love my girl.  
LOOKING FORWARD TO. Pray with me that I'd be able to get a helper soon so I can still do my kusinera duties at Bebeng's Kitchen. I'll be taking Christmas orders as early as next week but I need to present a holiday package to many of those who inquired about it. I need help from a help. 

So there, how about you? What have you been up to lately, currently? If you want to do this thing, too, I hope you'll link it back to me and comment your post so I can check it out.

*Photo from Unsplash


  1. Jea Blancaflor - LumapinitWednesday, 30 September, 2015

    Nakakarelate ka muther. I am also dying to have a helper. Kaso, ang hirap maghanap na mapagkakatiwalaan. Sigh.

    1. I really hope I can get one before this month ends. My food shop needs my attention. My daughter needs my attention. I don't want the dirty house and dishes and laundry to get it all.

  2. FINALLY! I can leave a comment now, hahahhaha!
    But, D, I know what you mean. It takes me three times longer to write one post, because my daughter screams the moment I leave her side. It ain't easy being me!!! But I loved this post, because it's real, it's right now. And I miss you, girrrrrrl! Ice cream soon.

    1. Yes, Marts! Ice creeeeeam! And I haven't seen Krista in person yet.

  3. I love the thing you love, too! Awwww I'm so involve with my little girl's kisses, too. :) thank you for sharing! :)

  4. I enjoy reading personal posts like this one. I can't believe I've been hit by the ALDUB and OTWOL fever

  5. You know what? I also feel that way about my blog. I want it to be more on a personal level so I can be more closer to my readers.


  6. Busy gal, yet enough time to enjoy things that reallu matters. Keep it up, I look forward to your future posts.

    1. Yes, Juvy! But I still try to find time to blog because I super duper miss blogging. :) Thank you! ♥

  7. I want espasol too and I miss my hometown - laguna. Btw how is it being a community manager?

    1. The whole concept of the job is easy but shift's tiring because I work for 8 hours straight. And we currently have no days off. Huhu. The good thing, though is I get to work at home and have breakfast and dinner with my daughter. ♥

  8. Same here I have two books pero hindi ko pa din matapos because of my little kulit :-)

  9. You're one busy work-at-home momma, but I can sense that you love everything that you do. I'm a WAHM, too, until I stopped a few months ago because living without a helper for more than 2 years has finally taken a toll on my health and sanity. Lol! Now, I'm more relaxed, and I have more quality time to spend with my unico hijo when he gets home from school.

  10. This made me crave for espasol too or torones. Yum!

  11. Oh gosh, help from help! I need that too! Sooo hard to juggle all the household chores, being a mom and a wife.
